Details about my project

1) Musical Preferences with Cognitive Characteristics & Other Variables

• Built a prediction model based on 1000 surveys, considering genre, GPA and music preferences.

• Analysed 30 variable understanding people’s Big 5 personality traits, Mood, geography, race and gender.

• Conducted A/B test, Chi square test, quantitative analysis, ANOVA/t-test, Kruskal Wallis test for data merging.

o Tools used: Python, Machine learning packages, R, SPSS, Excel, Tableau, Qualtrics o Outcome: Most preferred music genre was Pop/Soft Rock

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2) Database Mail Ordering System

• Created a robust computerized mail ordering system by evaluating various department needs and created a prototype in .NET using MS SQL Server for the database connectivity.

o Tools used: Microsoft SQL Server 2016, .Net, MS Visio

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3) HR Data Analysis using R

• Built a Multiple Regression Model for prediction and Logistic Regression model for classification.

• Predicted whether employee will stay or leave company among 35 variables of the dataset, picked 18 key variables.

o Tools used: R, SPSS, Excel, Tableau
o Outcome: 40% of employee indicated that they will leave the company within 5 years of span.

Please click on Link to view full-report.

4) Google Online Marketing Challenge

• Developed an online marketing campaign using data analytics, core marketing principles and Google AdWords to improve traffic for an affiliated organization’s website.

• Increased the revenue by 15% after conducting this marketing campaign.

o Tools used: Google AdWords, Google Analytics, SEO, Excel

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